Bethel Inst Alwar
5/120, N.E.B. Housing Board, Jyoti Nagar, Alwar, Rajasthan 301001About Us
Bethel Institute in Alwar, which opened in 2012, is a top performer in Alwar's institutes sector. Bethel Institute serves as a one-stop shop for consumers locally and in other areas of Alwar. Bethel Institute has built a strong presence in its field during its existence. Customer satisfaction is just as important to Bethel Institute as their products and services, which has helped them build a big and growing client base. Bethel Institute hires people who are interested in, passionate about, and committed to achieving Bethel Institute's wide vision and objectives. In the foreseeable future, Bethel Institute plans to increase its product portfolio. Bethel Institute wants to extend its product and service offerings to better serve a broader audience. It is well-known for providing excellent service in the following areas: Institutes, Tutorials Language classes for English, English conversation classes, advanced English language classes, and language classes.
Available Courses
- English
- Spoken English
- Advanced English
- Language Classes
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Find us on Google
5/120, N.E.B. Housing Board, Jyoti Nagar, Alwar, Rajasthan 301001City: Alwar
State: Rajasthan
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