IBT Hamirpur
Him Academy, Galore, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh 177001About Us
IBT Institute Private Limited is a renowned institution with a presence across all of India. It prepares candidates for competitive exams of many different types, including the bank PO/Clerk, S.S.C., CAT, CMAT, SNAP, Railways, Insurance, and CTET Examinations. In particular, in all banking and other competitive exams, the institute has produced remarkable outcomes.The dedication of the institute towards the achievement of the students is a special quality that provides constant motivation, encouragement, practice, and the latest notes and study material. IBT was established in 2009 in Jalandhar, Punjab, in which around 7 students wanted to study for the SBI exam. IBT currently has a vast network of more than 100 branches across India. The IBT is overseen by a group of experts from top banks and management institutions.They are the ideal motivators and pathfinders for the students because they have already gone through the exams and process. IBT's primary goal is to give students the highest quality education possible by offering qualified instructors, top-notch study materials, and the No. 1 Test Series. In all banking, SSC, and other competitive exams, the Institute has delivered outstanding outcomes. The dedication to the academic success of its pupils is the USP of the institute.
Available Courses
- Bank SBI-PO
- Banking
- Banking Law
- insurance exam
- Railway
- Railway Loco Pilot
- SSC Multitasking
- SSC Stenographer
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Find us on Google
Him Academy, Galore, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh 177001City: Hamirpur
State: Himachal Pradesh
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