NISD (National Institute of Skill Development)
55, Kanwar Complex Near Sabzi Mandi, Shali, Market, Theog, Himachal Pradesh 171209![](
About Us
The National Institute of Skill Development was established in 2015 and focuses on educational and vocational training programs in the IT, beauty, electronics, apparel, automotive industry, and many other industries. The National Institute of Skill Development is a conglomerate of educational experts with a dual focus on training and retaining all its trained candidates. The National Institute of Skill Development has training institutes in more than 15 states that focus on vocational education.No plan of action works unless it has a vision, a strong sense of purpose, the necessary infrastructure, and other high-quality resources to turn its goals into reality. NISD has the ability to turn its vision into reality since it possesses the drive, vision, infrastructure, and other quality resources. With all its conviction, NISD works to develop our students' analytical skills, help them become more logical thinkers, and prepare them to enter the workforce.
Available Courses
- English
- English Shorthand
- English Typing
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Find us on Google
55, Kanwar Complex Near Sabzi Mandi, Shali, Market, Theog, Himachal Pradesh 171209City: Shimla
State: Himachal Pradesh
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