The Institute of Banking Training - IBT Ajmer
481, 1C, Lohagal Rd, near SBBJ Bank, Nagina Bagh, Muslim Mochi Mohalla, Ajmer, Rajasthan 305001

About Us
Established in the year 2009, The Institute of Banking Training-IBT Ajmer can be the best player in the category of Bank P.O/Clerk, S.S.C, CAT, CMAT, SNAP, Railways, Insurance & CTET Examinations, etc. The Institute of Banking Training-IBT Ajmer serves as a one-stop target for overhauling clients from the neighborhood and other parts of Ajmer. Throughout its journey, The Institute of Banking Training-IBT Ajmer has established a strong foothold in its industry. The Institute of Banking Training-IBT Ajmer believes that customer fulfillment is as important as their items and administration. What has made the difference is that The Institute of Banking Training-IBT Ajmer earns a tremendous base of customers, which grows day by day. The Institute of Banking Training - IBT Ajmer utilizes people who are dedicated to their specific roles and work hard to realize the general vision and larger objectives of The Institute of Banking Training - IBT Ajmer. In the near future, it is poised to grow its line of commerce goods and services and cater to a larger customer base. This foundation has a remarkable area. It is an easy task to get around in the Institute of Banking Training - IBT Ajmer, as various modes of transport, are readily accessible. The Institute of Banking Training - IBT Ajmer is located at Nagin Bagh, Muslim Mochi Mohalla, Ajmer, which makes it easy for first-time guests to locate the establishment. It is known to supply the best benefits within the following categories: Bank P.O/Clerk, S.S.C, CAT, CMAT, SNAP, Railways, Insurance & CTET Examinations, etc.
Available Courses
- Bank SBI-PO
- Banking
- Banking Law
- IBPS-Clerk
- insurance exam
- Railway
- Railway Loco Pilot
- SSC Multitasking
- SSC Stenographer
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Find us on Google
481, 1C, Lohagal Rd, near SBBJ Bank, Nagina Bagh, Muslim Mochi Mohalla, Ajmer, Rajasthan 305001City: Ajmer
State: Rajasthan
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