IITians CLASSES in Hamirpur H O, Hamirpur-himachal Pradesh
IITians CLASSES Hamirpur(H.P) 1st Floor, Opp. ICICI Prudential, Ashirwad Complex, Near Mridul Chowk, Hamirpur(H.P) – 177001![](https://educationmasters.in/assets/uploads/institutes/gallery/iitians-classes-in-hamirpur-h-o-hamirpur-himachal-pradesh.jpg)
About Us
Er. Vijay Rana and Er. Sumeet Sharma launched the IITians CLASSES project with the goal of fostering competitive thinking and the strategic analytical approach necessary to thrive in today's highly competitive global arena. IITians CLASSES make history within a year of its founding in February 2019 by producing the NEET 2020 topper of the entire Hamirpur region and the second topper in Himachal Pradesh. Additionally, many IITians class students were selected for JEE Advanced 2020, JEE Main 2020, and NDA 2020. When it comes to the regional level, IITians classes have the highest selection rate for competitive exams like JEE Advanced, JEE Main, NEET, NDA, etc. IITians at CLASSES strongly believe that a student's overall development and ability to be successful depends upon a combination of conceptual knowledge and appropriate methodology. IITians CLASSES is the best institute for IIT JEE, NEET, AIIMS, NDA, and HPCET, staffed only by IITians, NITians, and the area's most renowned result-oriented faculty.
Available Courses
- IX & X School Exam+IIT-JEE/NEET
- JEE Main+Advance
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IITians CLASSES Hamirpur(H.P) 1st Floor, Opp. ICICI Prudential, Ashirwad Complex, Near Mridul Chowk, Hamirpur(H.P) – 177001City: Hamirpur
State: Himachal Pradesh
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