Nalanda Academy
A-53, 54 Sewak Park [Gram Sabha], Near Dwarka Mor metro station, Gate No. 2 Opposite Spring Meadows Public School, Metro Pillar No. 774, New Delhi, Delhi 110059![](
About Us
"Nalanda" is a Sanskrit term that means "Giver of Knowledge." As the name implies, we strive to instill knowledge in our pupils' minds and character. With the goal of producing future leaders who would thrive in a variety of fields, including administrative services, police services, economic services, and foreign services, among others, Nalanda IAS Academy was founded. Ms. Kalpna Jha (M.A., M.Phil., & JRF) and Sunil Kumar, who have more than ten years of combined experience as both civil aspirants and teachers in numerous IAS Coaching Institutes in Delhi, Guwahati, & Jaipur, formed Nalanda IAS Academy. Before founding the Academy, he taught in a number of educational institutions. The Nalanda IAS Academy offers courses in general studies, essays, and electives like political science and history. The Nalanda IAS Academy offers courses in general studies, essays, and electives like political science and history. The professors have created well-defined approaches to each subject from the perspective of the test and have a high level of subject expertise. They also come from reputable universities. The Nalanda IAS Academy provides working professionals with top-notch instruction for both regular and weekend programs. Since performing all the research for you at Nalanda IAS and providing you the reading material in class, you wind up saving a tonne of time. Then, The Nalanda IAS Academy put that time to use by administering routine exams, practicing writing answers, and completing guess papers.
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A-53, 54 Sewak Park [Gram Sabha], Near Dwarka Mor metro station, Gate No. 2 Opposite Spring Meadows Public School, Metro Pillar No. 774, New Delhi, Delhi 110059City: New Delhi
State: Delhi
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