Prerna Education: NEET/medical Coaching in Delhi | IIT JEE Coaching in Delhi
Nearest Metro, H-81, South Extension, Block H, South Extension I, New Delhi, Delhi 110049About Us
PRERNA INSTITUTE was founded in 2009 as a platform for engineering and medicine with the goal of serving as the perfect launching pad for serious aspirants. PRERNA INSTITUTE moved beyond just IIT-JEE/MEDICAL/FOUNDATION coaching on the route to realising this ambition. PRERNA INSTITUTE actually made a change in the way students approach problems and think. PRERNA INSTITUTE began to create strategies for raising students' IQs. PRERNA INSTITUTE began to create a lasting impression on the students who received training. PRERNA INSTITUTE began transforming lives. And nothing about this was just a coincidence. PRERNA INSTITUTE and our students PRERNA INSTITUTEre able to succeed because of the want, the strong desire, to constantly strive for perfection and, in the process, continuously keep on setting nePRERNA INSTITUTEr standards of excellence.Engineering and medical entrance exam coaching and advice are provided by Prerna Education, a premier institution. Prerna Education offers coaching nationwide for the IIT-JEE, JEE Mains and Advanced, NEET, AIIMS, PMT, CBSE, and Olympiads.
Available Courses
- IIT Main and Advance
- IIT Physics
- IIT-JAM Physics
- IX & X School Exam+IIT-JEE/NEET
- JEE Main+Advance
- jee/engineering
- Medical Entrance Exam
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Nearest Metro, H-81, South Extension, Block H, South Extension I, New Delhi, Delhi 110049City: New Delhi
State: Delhi
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