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20 killer tips to learn and improve English in few minute

By Aditya pandey | General knowledge | Nov 06, 2019

English has become mandatory in today’s world and it is becoming very important to learn English and speak it in a fluent manner. In this article we are giving you 20 killer ways to learn how to speak English. Let us know how you think of this article and if all these killer tips to  learn English the best way.`how to learn english,how to speak english,how to improve english,learn english,spoken english,english speaking,english talking.



  1. Don't worry about making mistakes. Be confident. Only when they hear you make them can people correct your mistakes.

  2. Surround you in the English language. Put yourself in an environment that speaks all of English where you can passively learn. Talking is the best way to learn.

  3. Practice daily. Give yourself a schedule for research. Decide how long you should spend a week learning and stick to it. Setting up a routine.

  4. Say your study plan to your family and friends. Let them drive you to research and don't let them bother you either.

  5. Practice the four core competencies: reading, writing, speaking and listening. For you to improve, they all need to be worked on.

  6. Keep a notebook of new words that you are learning. Use them in sentences and try to say them if you speak at least 3 times.

  7. Plan on taking a test. You will find that when you need to study for something, you will work harder.

  8. Saying that it's better not to just study for a test. Think of the larger image. What can you do when you have good English command? How's your quality of life going to improve?

  9. Give yourself a goal for the long term. Concentrate on working towards it

  10. Creating an atmosphere you want to know in, not because you need to. Once you know, you will learn more because you want to.

  11. Studying on your own for more than 30 minutes at a time is not a good idea. Get some fresh air, take regular breaks and stretch your legs.

  12. Don't be so rushed about going up a level. Reflect on the stage you are at the moment.

  13. Watch Movies instead of television. It's easier to use something you can watch over to catch details you may have overlooked the first time.

  14. Write to readers that are ranked. Such books are written particularly for your stage. Read the entire book. You are going to do it! You're going to feel good afterwards.

  15. Newspapers are a great place to find passive structures. Read through an article and see if passive sentences can be found.

  16. Use English whenever possible. It is as easy as that

  17. Do not translate from your own language into English. In order to improve your fluency, think in English. Talk to yourself ... but not on the bus, otherwise you'll think you've been crazy!

  18. From a book, you can not learn English. You can only learn by doing it like driving a car.

  19. Keep a diary or journal in English. Start by writing a few phrases a day and then get more into the habit of writing.

  20. Keep an eye on your punctuation, because what you're trying to say could completely change. Test the context difference between the two sentences: "A woman without her husband is nothing" and "A woman: man is nothing without her."

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