Important computer related question asked in government exam
By Vikash Suyal | Computer | Aug 06, 2015

Here is some important question may be asked in government exam (CAT, MAT), IBPS (PO and Clerk), SSC, SBI, LIC and other competitive exams.
- Which of the following is a single-user operating system?
(a) MS-DOS (b) UNIX (c) XENIX (d) OS/2
Ans- c - Which of the following is volatile?
(a) RAM (b) EEPROM (c) EPROM (d) ROM
Ans- a - The input device that is closely related to touch-screen is the–
(a) Keyboard (b) Light pen (c) Scanned (d) Joystick
Ans- b - Which one of the following attributes is not applicable to an interpreter?
(a) Consumers’ less time (b) Very expensive (c) Simplicity (d) None of these
Ans- b
- The storage device used to conpensate for difference in rates of flow of date from one device to another is termed as–
(a) Chip (b) Channel (c) Floppy (d) Call (e) Buffer
Ans- c - The computer is a machine and all other equipments associated with it, are termed as–
(a) Hardware (b) Software (c) Firmware (d) Humanware (e) None of these
Ans- a - A Program that converts a high-level computer program into set of instructions that will run on a machine is called–
(a) an editor (b) a linker (c) a compiler (d) a debugger
Ans- c - Low power, single transistor call and in-system re-writability are the features associated with–
(a) SRAM (b) Flash (c) EEPROM (d) ROM
Ans- b - To select a sentence using mouse, click anywhere on the sentence while holding down the following key–
(a) CTRL (b) ALT (c) SHIFT (d) SHIFT + CTRL
Ans- a - The go to statement causes the control to go to–
(a) an operator (b) a variable (c) a label (d) a function
Ans- c - The total number of registers with 32-bit width in the motorda MC 68000 microprocessor is–
(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 15 (d) 10
Ans- c - Windows can work in which of the following mode?
(a) Expanded (b) Extended (c) Enhanced and standard (d) Compressed
Ans-c - Windows in popular because of its–
(a) GuI features (b) desktop technology (c) multi-tasking capacity (d) being expensive
Ans-a - The liquid crystal display works on the basis of the relation between–
(a) light intensity variation (b) voltage and current (c) temperature and volume (d) polarization and electric field
Ans- d - ………. Needs a compiler to compile the source code.
(a) BASIC (b) C/C++ (c) d Base (d) ORACLE
ANS- b