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List of All Computer Keyboard shortcut keys for CCC Exam.

By Kamakshi Sharma | General knowledge | Dec 16, 2018
We collated a list of some of the most commonly used basic shortcut keys that work with almost all IBM compatible computers and software.Basics of Computer Science Shortcut Keys - Learn Basics of Computer Science in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts.


List of All Computer Keyboard shortcut keys for CCC Exam


Alt + F – File menu options in current program

Alt + E – Edit options in current program

F1 – Universal help (for all programs)

Ctrl + A – Select all text

Ctrl + X – Cut selected item

Shift + Del – Cut selected item

Ctrl + C – Copy selected item

Ctrl + Ins – Copy selected item

Ctrl + V – Paste

Shift + Ins – Paste

Home – Go to beginning of current line

Ctrl + Home – Go to beginning of document

End – Go to end of current line

Ctrl + End – Go to end of document

Shift + Home – Highlight from current position to beginning of line

Shift + End – Highlight from current position to end of line  

Alt + Tab – Switch between open applications

Alt + Print Screen – Create screenshot for current program

Ctrl + Alt + Del – Open task manager

Ctrl + Esc – Bring up start menu

Alt + Esc – Switch between applications on taskbar

F2 – Rename selected icon

F3 – Start find from desktop

F4 – Open the drive selection when browsing

F5 – Refresh contents

Alt + F4 – Close current open program

Ctrl + F4 – Close window in program

Alt + Enter – Open properties

Shift + Del – Delete programs/files permanentlyICROSOFT WORD Ctrl + A – Select all contents of the page

Ctrl + B – Bold highlighted selection

Ctrl + C – Copy selected text

Ctrl + X – Cut selected text

Ctrl + N – Open new/blank document

Ctrl + O – Open options

Ctrl + P – Open the print window

Ctrl + F – Open find box

Ctrl + I – Italicize highlighted selection

Ctrl + K – Insert link

Ctrl + U – Underline highlighted selection

Ctrl + V – Paste

Ctrl + Y – Redo the last action performed

Ctrl + Z – Undo last action

Ctrl + G – Find and replace options

Ctrl + H – Find and replace options

Ctrl + J – Justify paragraph alignment

Ctrl + L – Align selected text or line to the left

Ctrl + E – Align selected text or line to the center

Ctrl + R – Align selected text or line to the right

Ctrl + M – Indent the paragraph

Ctrl + T – Hanging indent

Ctrl + D – Font options

Ctrl + Shift + F – Change the font

Ctrl + Del – Delete word to right of cursor

Ctrl + Backspace – Delete word to left of cursor

Ctrl + End – Move cursor to end of document

Ctrl + Home – Move cursor to beginning of document

Ctrl + 1 – Single-space lines

Ctrl + 2 – Double-space lines

Ctrl + 5 – 1.5-line spacing

Ctrl + Alt + 1 – Change text to heading 1

Ctrl + Alt + 2 – Change text to heading 2

Ctrl + Alt + 3 – Change text to heading 3

F1 – Open help

Shift + F3 – Change case of selected text

Shift + Insert – Paste

F7 – Spell check selected text

F12 – Save as

Ctrl + S – Save

Shift + F12 – Save

Alt + Shift + D – Insert the current date

Alt + Shift + T – Insert the current time


F2 – Edit the selected cell

F5 – Go to a specific cell

F7 – Spell check selected text or document

F11 – Create chart

Ctrl + Shift + ; – Enter the current time

Ctrl + ; – Enter the current date

Alt + Shift + F1 – Insert new worksheet

Shift + F3 – Open the Excel® formula window

Shift + F5 – Bring up search box

Ctrl + A – Select all contents of worksheet

Ctrl + B – Bold highlighted selection

Ctrl + I – Italicize highlighted selection

Ctrl + C – Copy selected text

Ctrl + V – Paste

Ctrl + D – Fill

Ctrl + K – Insert link

Ctrl + F – Open find and replace options

Ctrl + G – Open go-to options

Ctrl + H – Open find and replace options

Ctrl + U – Underline highlighted selection

Ctrl + O – Open options

Ctrl + N – Open new document

Ctrl + P – Open print dialog box

Ctrl + S – Save

Ctrl + Z – Undo last action

Ctrl + F9 – Minimize current window

Ctrl + F10 – Maximize currently selected window

Ctrl + Page up & Page Down – Move between Excel® worksheets in the same document

Ctrl + Tab – Move between two or more open Excel® files

Alt + = – Create formula to sum all of above cells

Ctrl + Space – Select entire column

Shift + Space – Select entire row

Ctrl + W – Close document


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