SSC CGL online test series | Quantative Aptitude for SSC CGL tier 1 2018
By Ravi | Practice Set | Oct 24, 2017

online mock Test Series Set -1 Quantitative Aptitude Practice paper for SSC CGL 2018 Tier 1 exams, ssc model paper Mock Tests of SSC CGL 2018 Tier 1 exam based Quantitative Aptitude important & Helpful 50 question for SSC CGL Exams 2018 Shared by Vijay Academy Dehradun
Quantitative Aptitude:
1.1.236 × 1015 - 5.23 × 1014 equals-
(a)7.13×1014 (b)7.13 (c)71.3 (d)-3.994
(A)1 (B)61 (C)41 (D)21
(A)20 (B)30 (C)It does not exceed (D)Cannot be determined
(a)56/11 (b) 66/11 (c) 76/11 (d) 96/11
(A)7 (B)6 (C)9 (D)8
(A)24 (B)32 (C)36 (D)40
(a)Rs. 175 (b)Rs. 190 (c)Rs. 180 (d)Rs. 225
(a)4537 (b)4375 (c)4753 (d)4735
(a)2681 (b)2861 (c)2618 (d)2816
(a)30% (b)20% (c)10% (d)5%
(a)40 yr (b)32 yr (c)48 yr (d)36 yr
(a)3:2 (b)2:3 (c)2:1 (d)3:4
(a)91 (b)94 (c)89 (d)96
(a)1440 (b)1800 (c)3600 (d)Data inadequate
(a)8% (b)15% (c)7% (d)None of these
(a)4:5 (b)3:2 (c)3:5 (d)2:3
(a)50 kg (b)30 kg (c)10 kg (d)20 kg
(a)8:5 (b)1:3 (c)2:3 (d)7:9
(A)21 (B)23 (C)44 (D)46
(a)Rs. 15 (b)Rs. 16 (c)Rs. 17 (d)Rs. 18
(a)25% (b)20% (c)10% (d)None of these
(a)16.67% (b)20% (c)50% (d)33.33%
(a)5 days (b)10 days (c)15 days (d)12 days
(a)60 days (b)40 days (c)35 days (d)30 days
(a)Rs. 3793.50 (b)Rs. 3937.50 (c)Rs. 3379.50 (d)Rs. 3973.50
(a)After 4 months (b)After 6 months (c)After 4.5 months (d)None of these
(a)Rs. 3500 (b)Rs. 3600 (c)Rs. 3700 (d)Rs. 3800
(a)Rs. 10000 (b)Rs. 20000 (c)Rs. 40000 (d)Rs. 50000
(a)20 (b)40 (c)50 (d)60
(a)305 cm (b)500 cm (c)405 cm (d)625 cm
(a)11 hour (b)61/7 hour (c)23/7 hour (d)33/7 hour
Aman:Suman=5:8 and Suman:Geeta=4:5, The part of rent paid by Suman will be
(a)24/77 (b)13/66 (c)12/55 (d)13/77
(a)5:12 (b)7:13 (c)12:13 (d)8:15
(a)Rs. 500 (b)Rs. 600 (c)Rs. 450 (d)Rs. 750
(a)Rs. 42 (b)Rs. 30 (c)Rs. 21 (d)Rs. 60
(a)Rs. 634.76 (b)Rs. 654.76 (c)Rs. 554.76 (d)Rs. 456.32
(a)Rs. 2000 (b)Rs. 2040 (c)Rs. 2100 (d)Rs. 2200
(A)7/12 (B)-7/12 (C)-5/12 (D)5/12
(a)7 min (b)13 min (c)23 min (d)9 min
(a)180 min (b)60 min (c)157 min (d)155 min
(a)840 km (b)960 km (c)870 km (d)1100 km
(A)1 and 9 (B)-4 and -6 (C)4 and 6
(D)cannot be determined
(a)15360 (b)153600 (c)30720 (d)307200
(a)25 km/hr and 40 km/hr (b) 50 km/hr and 25 km/hr
(c) 25 km/hr and 60 km/hr (d)None of these
(a)30 m/min (b)31 m/min (c)29 m/min (d)32 m/min
53, 48, 50, 50, 47, ?
(a)51 (b)46 (c)53 (d)52
(A)128 (B)138 (C)338 (D)388
(a)14 (b)12 (c)10 (d)8
(a)Rs. 6000 (b)Rs. 4000 (c)Rs. 10000 (d)Rs. 4400
(a)Rs. 6000 (b)Rs. 3366 (c)Rs. 3060 (d)Rs. 3066
1)3 2)4 3)3 4)1 5)1
6)2 7)2 8)2 9)2 10)3
11)2 12)2 13)3 14)2 15)4
16)2 17)2 18)1 19)3 20)3
21)4 22)4 23)1 24)2 25)2
26)2 27)4 28)2 29)2 30)1
31)4 32)2 33)3 34)2 35)1
36)3 37)1 38)2 39)4 40)1
41)3 42)1 43)2 44)2 45)4
46)4 47)2 48)1 49)1 50)2
Quantitative Aptitude:
1.1.236 × 1015 - 5.23 × 1014 equals-
(a)7.13×1014 (b)7.13 (c)71.3 (d)-3.994
- What is the remainder when 7700 is divided by 100?
(A)1 (B)61 (C)41 (D)21
- The total cost of 2 pencils, 5 erasers and 7 sharpeners is Rs. 30, while 3 pencils and 5 sharpeners cost Rs. 15 more than 6 erasers. By what amount (in Rs.) does the cost of 39 erasers and 1 sharpener exceed the cost of 6 pencils?
(A)20 (B)30 (C)It does not exceed (D)Cannot be determined
- If m/n = 12/10, then find the value of (m^2+n^2)/(m^2-n^2 )
(a)56/11 (b) 66/11 (c) 76/11 (d) 96/11
- A sequence of 4 digits, when considered as a number in base 10 is four times the number it represents in base 6. What is the sum of the digits of the sequence?
(A)7 (B)6 (C)9 (D)8
- A natural number n is such that 120n≤240. If HCF of n and 240 is 1, how many values of n are possible?
(A)24 (B)32 (C)36 (D)40
- The auto rickshaw fare consists of affixed charge together with the charge for the distance covered. For a journey of 10 km, the charge paid is Rs. 85 and for a journey of 15 km, the charge paid is Rs. 120. The fare for a journey of 25 km will be
(a)Rs. 175 (b)Rs. 190 (c)Rs. 180 (d)Rs. 225
- A manufacturer of fridges produced 600 units in the third year and 700 units in the seventh year. Assuming that the production increases uniformly by a fixed number every year, the total production in 7 years will be
(a)4537 (b)4375 (c)4753 (d)4735
- In an arithmetic sequence, the first term is 11, the nth term is 143 and the second term is 15. Find the sum of Ist n terms of the sequence.
(a)2681 (b)2861 (c)2618 (d)2816
- 65% of students in a class like cartoon movies, 70% like horror movies and 75% like war movies. What is the smallest percent of students liking all the three type of movies?
(a)30% (b)20% (c)10% (d)5%
- The product of the present ages of Sarita and Gauri is 320. Eight years from now, Sarita’s age will be three times the age of Gauri. What was the age of Sarita when Gauri was born?
(a)40 yr (b)32 yr (c)48 yr (d)36 yr
- A, B and C have 40, x and y balls, respectively. If B gives 20 balls to A, he is left with half as many balls as C. If together they had 60 more balls, each of them would have had 100 balls on an average. What is the ratio of x to y?
(a)3:2 (b)2:3 (c)2:1 (d)3:4
- The average marks of a student in 8 subjects is 87. Of these, the highest marks is 2 more than the one next in value. If these two subjects are eliminated, the average marks of the remaining subjects is 85. What is the highest score?
(a)91 (b)94 (c)89 (d)96
- In a consumer preferences survey, 20% respondents opted for product A whereas 60% opted for product B. The remaining individuals were undecided. If the difference between those who opted for product B and those who were undecided is 720. How many individuals had been interviewed for the survey?
(a)1440 (b)1800 (c)3600 (d)Data inadequate
- Shyam had three notebooks X, Y and Z. Of these, X had 120 pages, Y had 10% more and Z had 10% less. If he tore out 5%, 10% and 15% of pages in X, Y and Z respectively, then what percent of total pages did he tear out?
(a)8% (b)15% (c)7% (d)None of these
- The concentration of petrol in three different mixtures (of petrol and kerosene) is ½, 3/5 and 4/5, respectively. If 2 L, 3L and 1L are taken from these three different vessels and mixed, what is the ratio of petrol and kerosene in the new mixture?
(a)4:5 (b)3:2 (c)3:5 (d)2:3
- A trader has 50 kg of pulses, part of which he sells at 8% profit and rest at 18% profit. He gains 14% on the whole. What is the quantity sold at 18% profit?
(a)50 kg (b)30 kg (c)10 kg (d)20 kg
- There are a total of 43800 students in 4 schools of a city. Half the number of students of the first school, 2/3 of the second, 3/4 of the third and 4/5 of the fourth are all equal. What is the ratio of the number of students of A to D, if A, B, C and D be the first, second, third and four schools, respectively?
(a)8:5 (b)1:3 (c)2:3 (d)7:9
- Some friends planned to contribute equally to jointly buy a CD player. However, two of them decided to withdraw at the last minute. As a result, each of the others had to sell out one rupee more than what they had planned for. If the price (in Rs.) of the CD player is an integer between 1000 and 1100, find the number of friends who actually contributed?
(A)21 (B)23 (C)44 (D)46
- A manufacturer sells a pair of glasses to a wholesale dealer at a profit of 18%. The wholesaler sells the same to a retailer at a profit of 20%. The retailer in turn sells them to a customer for Rs. 30.09, thereby earning a profit of 25%. The cost price for the manufacturer is
(a)Rs. 15 (b)Rs. 16 (c)Rs. 17 (d)Rs. 18
- A grocer sells rice at a profit of 10% and uses a weight which is 20% less. Find his total percentage gain.
(a)25% (b)20% (c)10% (d)None of these
- What is the maximum percentage discount that a merchant can offer on her marked price so that she ends up selling at no profit or loss, if she had initially marked her goods up by 50%?
(a)16.67% (b)20% (c)50% (d)33.33%
- A, B and C can do a work in 8, 16, 24 days respectively. They all begin together. A continues to work till it is finished, C leaving off 2 days and B one day before its completion. In what time is work finished?
(a)5 days (b)10 days (c)15 days (d)12 days
- A and B can do a piece of work in 20 and 15 days respectively. They worked together for 6 days, after which B was replaced by C. If the work was finished in the next 4 days, then the number of days in which C alone could do the work will be
(a)60 days (b)40 days (c)35 days (d)30 days
- Two partners invest Rs. 1,25,000 and Rs. 85,000 respectively in a business and agree that 60% of the profit should be divided equally between them and the remaining profit is it be treated as interest on capital. If one partner gets Rs. 300 more than the other, find the total profit made in the business.
(a)Rs. 3793.50 (b)Rs. 3937.50 (c)Rs. 3379.50 (d)Rs. 3973.50
- Arvind began a business with Rs. 550 and was join afterwards by Brij with Rs. 330. When did Brij join, if profits at the end of the year were divided in the ratio 10:3?
(a)After 4 months (b)After 6 months (c)After 4.5 months (d)None of these
- The rate of interest for the first 2 yrs is 3% p.a., for next 3 yrs is 8% p.a. and for the period beyond 5 yrs is 10% p.a. If a man earns Rs. 1,520 as a simple interest for 6 yrs, how much money did he deposit?
(a)Rs. 3500 (b)Rs. 3600 (c)Rs. 3700 (d)Rs. 3800
- A sum of money lent at compound interest for 2 yr at 20% per annum would fetch Rs. 482 more, if the interest was payable half yearly than if it was payable annually. The sum is
(a)Rs. 10000 (b)Rs. 20000 (c)Rs. 40000 (d)Rs. 50000
- In a test consisting of 150 questions carrying 1 mark each, Saurabh answered 80% of the first 75 questions correctly. What per cent of the other 75 questions does he need to answer correctly to score 60% overall?
(a)20 (b)40 (c)50 (d)60
- A tree was planted three years ago. The rate of its growth is 30% per annum. If at present, the height of the tree is 670 cm, what was its height when the tree was planted?
(a)305 cm (b)500 cm (c)405 cm (d)625 cm
- B can do a piece of work in 6 hours, B and C together can do it in 4 hours and A, B and C together in 22/3 hours. In how many hours can A and B together do the same piece of work?
(a)11 hour (b)61/7 hour (c)23/7 hour (d)33/7 hour
- Ajay, Aman, Suman and Geeta rented a house and agreed to share the rent as follows
Aman:Suman=5:8 and Suman:Geeta=4:5, The part of rent paid by Suman will be
(a)24/77 (b)13/66 (c)12/55 (d)13/77
- Two casks of 48 L and 42 L are filled with mixtures of milk and water, the proportions in the two casks being respectively 13:7 and 18:17. If the contents of two casks be mixed and 20 L of water be added to the whole, what will be the proportion of milk and water in the resulting mixture?
(a)5:12 (b)7:13 (c)12:13 (d)8:15
- A, B, C together earn Rs. 1450 and spend 60%, 65%, and 70% of their salaries respectively. If their savings are in the ratio 14:21:15, the salary of B is
(a)Rs. 500 (b)Rs. 600 (c)Rs. 450 (d)Rs. 750
- Postcard costing 30 paise each and inland letters costing Rs. 1.50 each were purchased for Rs. 66. Total number of postcards and inland letters purchased was 60. If the number of postcards and inland letters is interchanged, then the cost is
(a)Rs. 42 (b)Rs. 30 (c)Rs. 21 (d)Rs. 60
- Mr. Vellu buys a generator for Rs. 100000 and rents it. He puts 12.5% of each month’s rent aside for upkeep and repairs, pays Rs. 325 per year as taxes and realizes 5.5% annually on his investment. Find the monthly rent.
(a)Rs. 634.76 (b)Rs. 654.76 (c)Rs. 554.76 (d)Rs. 456.32
- From the salary of an employee, 10% is deducted as house rent, 15% of the rest he spends on children’s education and 10% of the balance he spends on clothes. After this expenditure, he is left with Rs. 1377. His salary is
(a)Rs. 2000 (b)Rs. 2040 (c)Rs. 2100 (d)Rs. 2200
- If the sum to infinity of the series 2+(2-d)2/3+(2+d)4/9+(2+3d)8/27+…….□ is 5/2, what is the value of d?
(A)7/12 (B)-7/12 (C)-5/12 (D)5/12
- Two taps can separately fill a cistern in 10 min and 15 min, respectively. If these two pipes and a waste pipe are kept open simultaneously, the cistern gets filled in 18 min. The waste pipe can empty the full cistern in
(a)7 min (b)13 min (c)23 min (d)9 min
- A, B and C are three pipes attached to a cistern. A and B can fill it in 20 min and 30 min respectively, while C can empty it in 15 min. If A, B and C be kept open successively for 1 min each, how soon will the cistern be filled?
(a)180 min (b)60 min (c)157 min (d)155 min
- A train after travelling 150 km meets with an accident and then proceeds with 3/5 of its former speed and arrives at its destination 8 h late. Had the accident occurred 360 km farther, it would have reached the destination 4 h late. What is the total distance travelled by the train?
(a)840 km (b)960 km (c)870 km (d)1100 km
- If the roots of the equation (x+1)(x+9)+8=0 are a and b, then the roots of the equation (x+a))x+b)-8=0 are
(A)1 and 9 (B)-4 and -6 (C)4 and 6
(D)cannot be determined
- The ratio between the length and breadth of a rectangular park is 3:2. If a man cycling along the boundary of the park at the speed of 12 km/hr completes one round in 8 min, then the area of the park in sq.m. is
(a)15360 (b)153600 (c)30720 (d)307200
- A car travels 25 km/hr faster than a bus for a journey of 500 km. If the bus takes 10 h more than the car, then the speeds of the car and the bus are
(a)25 km/hr and 40 km/hr (b) 50 km/hr and 25 km/hr
(c) 25 km/hr and 60 km/hr (d)None of these
- A man who can swim 48 m/min in still water, swims 200 m against the current and 200 m with the current. If the difference between those two times is 10 min, what is the speed of the current?
(a)30 m/min (b)31 m/min (c)29 m/min (d)32 m/min
- What is the next number in the series given below?
53, 48, 50, 50, 47, ?
(a)51 (b)46 (c)53 (d)52
- If N=888….. up to 100 digits, what is the remainder when N is divided by 625?
(A)128 (B)138 (C)338 (D)388
- If tan150 = 2-√3, then what is the value tan15.cot750 + tan750.cot150?
(a)14 (b)12 (c)10 (d)8
- A money-lender, lends a part of his money at 10% per annum and the rest at 15% per annum. His annual income is Rs. 1900. However, if he had interchanged rate of interest on the two sums, he would have earn Rs. 200 more. The amount lent will fetch what amount at 15%?
(a)Rs. 6000 (b)Rs. 4000 (c)Rs. 10000 (d)Rs. 4400
- A man borrows Rs. 6000 at 10% compound rate of interest. He pays back Rs. 2000 at the end of each year to clear the debt. The amount that he should pay to clear all his dues at the end of third year is
(a)Rs. 6000 (b)Rs. 3366 (c)Rs. 3060 (d)Rs. 3066
1)3 2)4 3)3 4)1 5)1
6)2 7)2 8)2 9)2 10)3
11)2 12)2 13)3 14)2 15)4
16)2 17)2 18)1 19)3 20)3
21)4 22)4 23)1 24)2 25)2
26)2 27)4 28)2 29)2 30)1
31)4 32)2 33)3 34)2 35)1
36)3 37)1 38)2 39)4 40)1
41)3 42)1 43)2 44)2 45)4
46)4 47)2 48)1 49)1 50)2