5000 important uttrakhand current affairs and gk in hindi (updated)2019
By Aditya pandey | General knowledge | Sep 25, 2019
In this article, we are sharing 5000+ questions of current affairs and gk in hindi. Current affairs and general knowledge are useful in scoring in all types of government exams like bank, RBI, SSC, NDA, CDS and many more. The general knowledge section consists of lots of questions and mainly the current happenings. Apart from academic knowledge, students should have knowledge of the latest happenings in the world. Even after clearing the exams, the current affairs are needed in the Interview also. Current affairs explain news, information, and awareness about various things that are happening at the national and international level. Current affairs are related to daily life. Current affairs cover topics like national, international, sports, business, education, appointments, agreements, obituary, science and technology, defence, politics and other news which are related to competitive exams.uk gk in hindi, uk current affairs in hindi,Uttrakhand gk questions , uttarakhand in hindi,, current affairs of uttarakhand, uk gk in hindi,
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