Famous Hindi muhavare with meaning for Govt. exam Preparation
By Vikash Suyal | Hindi | Aug 03, 2015
Government exams that include a Hindi subject often cover a wide range of Hindi muhavare (Hindi idioms and Phrases) to assess candidates' language proficiency, comprehension, and cultural awareness. While, here are some commonly encountered and famous muhavare that have been known to appear in government exams.
"Muhavare" is a term in Hindi and many other Indian languages that refers to idiomatic expressions or proverbs. These are phrases or sentences that have a figurative meaning different from the literal meaning of the individual words within the expression. Muhavare are often used in everyday conversation, literature, and speeches to convey a concept or idea vividly and effectively.
For example, the famous Hindi muhavara "Akal badi ya bhains" literally translates to "Is wisdom greater or a buffalo?" However, its figurative meaning is "Wisdom is greater than physical strength," emphasizing the importance of intellect and knowledge. Similarly here you will find most asked and famous muhavare/idioms for hindi subject competitive exams.
I hope this information will help you for learning Hindi muhavare and GK question asked in government competitive Hindi subject exam.
Best of Luck.
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