kidzee pre school Roorkee Best Pre-school in Roorkee

kidzee pre school Roorkee Best Pre-school in Roorkee
kidzee pre school Roorkee Best Pre-school in Roorkee is One of the Best Pre-school in Roorkee also a pillar in early childhood education is one of the successful playgroup schools in Roorkee we are focused on initiating kid advancement the country over. Having contacted the lives of in excess of 4,50,000 youngsters in India, Kidzee, 10 years on stays focussed on supporting the 'exceptional potential' in each kid.
Play Group
Early encounters in the initial barely any long stretches of life are basic for the procurement of aptitudes as the greatest mental health occurs during this period.
Quality training in the early long periods of preschool sets a firm establishment in the general improvement of a kid. At Kidzee, the nursery educational program gives the correct cluster of exercises to assist youngsters with moving towards accomplishing their initial learning goals. In Nursery, kids are occupied with school preparation exercises, for example, perusing, composing, checking, number acknowledgment and critical thinking in a thrilling however deliberate way. Kids are urged to confirm their learning through shared exercises in the territories of shows, science, and expressions
1 Name of the School with address: kidzee pre school Roorkee
353 Defence ColonyRoorkee, Uttarakhand 247666 India
2 Email:
3. Telephone: 0999038183
kidzee pre school Roorkee Best Pre-school in Roorkee is One of the Best Pre-school in Roorkee also a pillar in early childhood education is one of the successful playgroup schools in Roorkee we are focused on initiating kid advancement the country over. Having contacted the lives of in excess of 4,50,000 youngsters in India, Kidzee, 10 years on stays focussed on supporting the 'exceptional potential' in each kid.
Play Group
- Age Group:1.5 - 2.5 Years
- Duration :2.5 hours per day
kids begin to investigate their general surroundings when they are conceived. At Kidzee, the playgroup's educational plan empowers youngsters to proceed with their investigation.
Early encounters in the initial barely any long stretches of life are basic for the procurement of aptitudes as the greatest mental health occurs during this period.
- Age Group:2.5 - 3.5 Years
- Duration: 2.5 hours per day
Quality training in the early long periods of preschool sets a firm establishment in the general improvement of a kid. At Kidzee, the nursery educational program gives the correct cluster of exercises to assist youngsters with moving towards accomplishing their initial learning goals. In Nursery, kids are occupied with school preparation exercises, for example, perusing, composing, checking, number acknowledgment and critical thinking in a thrilling however deliberate way. Kids are urged to confirm their learning through shared exercises in the territories of shows, science, and expressions
1 Name of the School with address: kidzee pre school Roorkee
353 Defence ColonyRoorkee, Uttarakhand 247666 India
2 Email:
3. Telephone: 0999038183
Main Highlights |
NAME | kidzee pre school Roorkee |
Phone No | 0999038183 | | |
FB page | |
Teacher Training Programme | |
School type | Playgroup |