Reserve Bank of India Assistant Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2018 | Download RBI Assistant Exam Syllabus Pdf
By Siksha Raturi | Exams Syllabus | Oct 18, 2017

RBI Exam Pattern 2018| Download Reserve Bank of India Assistant syllabus Pdf here. Candidates who applied for Reserve Bank of India RBI Assistant Jobs and are getting ready to prepare for the examination can see the exam pattern and complete syllabus for the RBI Assistant written exam. The Reserve Bank of India conducts the written exam to recruit the eligible and skilled candidates for the Assistant post. Candidates who are attending the written examination can download the whole Assistant Exam Pattern and Syllabus on this page. Many applicants applied for the RBI Assistant exam and now are busy and working hard for the preparation. It is compulsory for the candidate to know about the exam pattern and syllabus before the preparation of the written test. By knowing this candidate get the complete idea about the subject wise marks and the matters covered in the exam paper. Before the arrangements, all the applicants are suggested to analysis the exam pattern and syllabus then set up for the studies preparation. Here we are updating the RBI Assistant Exam pattern and syllabus or the better performance of the applicants.
Here we are providing the full RBI Assistant syllabus for the candidates do well in the examinations. Candidates who wish to download full syllabus can download from the given link below.
RBI Assistant Exam Pattern for Prelims & Mains | RBI Assistant Test Pattern
RBI Assistant Preliminary Exam Pattern:
S. No | Subjects | Questions | Marks | Exam duration |
1 | English | 30 | 30 | 1 hr (60 min) |
2 | Numerical Ability | 35 | 35 | |
3 | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | |
Total | 100 | 100 |
RBI Assistant Mains Exam Pattern:
S. No | Subjects | Questions | Marks | Exam duration |
1 | Reasoning | 40 | 40 | 2 hrs (120 min) |
2 | English Language | 40 | 40 | |
3 | Numerical Ability | 40 | 40 | |
4 | General Awareness | 40 | 40 | |
5 | Computer Knowledge | 40 | 40 | |
Total | 200 | 200 |
- The RBI Assistant Examination is of objective type
- The Subject-wise marks are given above in the table.
- The time duration for RBI Assistant Prelims exam is 1 hour & for Mains exam time duration is 2 hours.
- There will be negative marks for each wrong answer in the Objective exam (Prelims and Main examination).
- 1/4th marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer.
RBI Assistant Exam Syllabus 2018 | Download RBI Assistant Syllabus Pattern Pdf-
Here we are providing the full RBI Assistant syllabus for the candidates do well in the examinations. Candidates who wish to download full syllabus can download from the given link below.
Syllabus for Preliminary Exams-
RBI Assistant Syllabus for the English Language
- Reading Comprehension
- Spotting Error
- Fill in the blank
- Cloze test
- Para-Jumbles
RBI Assistant Syllabus General Reasoning Ability
- Syllogism
- Seating Arrangement - Circular, Square, and Linear
- Puzzle
- Blood Relation
- Inequality
- Data Sufficiency
- Coding and Decoding
- Distance and Direction
- Ranking
RBI Assistant Syllabus General Numerical Ability
- Number Series
- Data Interpretation
- Average
- Profit & Loss
- Time & Work
- Data Sufficiency
- Simplification
- Time & Distance
- Partnership
- Ratio & Proportion
- Problem on Ages
- Boats & Streams
- Pipe & Cisterns
RBI Assistant Syllabus General Awareness
- Banking / Financial Awareness / Economics news
- Current Affairs
- National/ International,
- Awards
- Sports
- Defence
- Summits
- Appointment
- Books & Authors and Obituary etc.
RBI Assistant Syllabus Computer Knowledge
- MS- Office
- Computer Generation
- Internet
- Operating System
- Computer Hardware
- Abbreviations related to Computer Knowledge
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