Yoga Helps Back Pain Sufferers: Latest Study and yoga myths
By Vikash Suyal | Yoga | Dec 23, 2017

Yoga Helps Back Pain Sufferers: Latest Study
The latest study concludes that Yoga is more effective in treating back pains than conventional exercises! The results support the claim that many Yoga teachers and practitioners have been making all along.
The study is the largest randomised controlled trial to date that helps prove effectiveness of Yoga for chronic back pains. The 101-adult patients were placed on a yoga programme, a conventional aerobic, strengthening and stretching course, or left to develop their own rehabilitation care with a self-help manual. The study was conducted by researchers at Group Health Co-operative’s Centre for Health Studies, in Seattle.
As per Times, those who did yoga were better at activities that put pressure on their back and took fewer pain killers. After 12 weeks only, the people practicing Yoga showed significant improvement in their condition and after 6 months they were not only in less pain, they also needed lesser medication (painkillers). The study results were recently published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
“Most people have experienced back pain at some point in their lives,” said DOCTOR a Group Health researcher and the lead author. “Sometimes the pain goes away in a few days, but sometimes it lasts for weeks. And unfortunately the treatments offered by modern Western medicine are only modestly effective
The study provides sound scientific footing to the benefits of Yoga otherwise not proved scientifically thus far. It’s a ray of hope for the millions suffering from back pains all over the world. One only hopes that more and more research is undertaken to prove the countless other benefits of this millennia art of mind, body and spiritual well-being which originated from India over 5000 years ago.
Various styles of yoga will produce healthy benefits
“Although yoga’s roots are spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. In no way does it interfere with or compromise any spiritual or religious belief someone might hold. In fact, the very act of stretching and strengthening the body, breathing with conscious awareness, exploring the body’s possibilities will connect us more deeply with our personal core and beliefs.”
The ‘Myths and Facts about Yoga’ clarifies the common doubts people generally hold about this practice :
Myth: “I have to be a “pretzel” - flexible, thin and already fit.”
Fact: Yoga is for EVERYONE. Props such as mats, blankets, belts, blocks, chairs and walls are available to assist you when needed. Look for a class that will fit your needs.
Myth: “I’ll try a class to see if I like it.”
Fact: To be fair to your body and the changes that will occur, commit to eight to 10 classes and watch what happens. Find a teacher you resonate with.
Myth: “I don’t have time.”
Fact: How about 5 minutes?
Various styles of yoga will produce healthy benefits
Yoga, “to yolk together,” creates a union between the separate mind, body and spirit.
The ancient art has gained popularity in recent years, and yoga’s many benefits are being explored and accepted more by mainstream arenas such as workplaces, gyms and hospitals.
Although yoga’s roots are spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. In no way does it interfere with or compromise any spiritual or religious belief someone might hold. In fact, the very act of stretching and strengthening the body, breathing with conscious awareness, exploring the body’s possibilities will connect us more deeply with our personal core and beliefs.
The path of yoga can be likened to the branches of a tree. Each limb is a guide to enlightenment and inner peace. The limbs are: Moral principles; personal disciplines; physical postures; breath control; mental detachment; focused attention; meditation; and self-realization. The last three are closely linked as one “seamlessly” flows into the other.
The third, physical branch of yoga is called Hatha, and encompasses many of the popular styles around now.