How Yoga helps to Increase Concentration
By Roopali Thapliyal | Yoga | Sep 15, 2017

Yoga for increasing Concentration
Today, yoga is the best way to improve concentration power. It is a straightforward reason that yoga is being prioritized in modern-day institutions. The best part about improving concentration through yoga is that the person manages to get a better fitness as well. Here we mention some of the fantastic yoga asana recommended for those who want to improve their concentration skills.
The bhramri yoga pose is one of the most and finest concentration yoga recommended mostly for the kids. Here the practitioners have to first sit normally in folded leg state or in Padmasana state and closing the eyes. In this yoga pose, the ear hole has to be closed through the thumbs while the other finger has to be put on the closed eye and the mouth should remain shut, but the yoga practitioner has to make a gentle murmur sound inside without moving the lips or the tongue.
This asana is a nice physical yoga concentration exercise. This yoga pose improves body balance through a better concentration. Here the yoga practitioner has to balance the body by tilting forward a bit while keeping one of the hands parallel to the ground. The other leg has to be curved from the knees, and its foot has to be held by the palm of the same side.
Meditating in Lotus position:
This yoga pose can be a nice way of yoga for concentration improvement. The yoga pose improves the flexibility as well. Here the practitioner has to sit on the ground while keeping the feet over the thighs of the other legs. You should keep the hands straight and finger in proper mudra. It is the best yoga pose for study concentration development.
Mayurasana yoga pose is a good physical yoga for increasing concentration. Here the yoga practitioner has to keep the entire body parallel to the ground only with the support of the palms pressing the ground. And the face has to remain downward a bit, while the legs remaining lifted a little.
Savasana yoga pose is considered the best yoga for improving the memory power. Here the person simply has to sleep in a relaxed state, and you keep the eyes closed. Furthermore, the person doesn’t have to even put any kind of effort in mind.
Initially, various thoughts will pop-up. But, practicing more with experts can bring the perfection. Savasana is pretty much like a meditation, primarily for the beginners to boost concentration.
Anulom –Vilom pranayama is considered the best concentration exercise for the beginners. If you practice mostly 10 – 15 minutes of it can concentration power of the practitioner to a new high. To perform this pose, you can first sit in Padmasana or normal folded leg state, the keeping the back straight. Now inhale through one of the nostrils gradually but completely, keeping the other shut through thumbs or fingers. Next, exhale through the nostril you initially closed, shutting the other nostril through. You should always keep the entire focus on the inhaled and exhaled air.