Indian Economy GK questions answers for SSC Exam 2018
By Vikash Suyal | Economics | May 15, 2018

Indian Economy Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams
If you are searching Indian Economics GK Question, then this is easily available here. we are giving newly collection of Economics GK Questions and Answers for all Competitive Exams.These all questions will very helpful to you for the upcoming government competitive exams and will increase your intelligence skills.
- Difference between GNP and NHP equals: --- Depriciation of Capital
- The public sector steel plant that was setup in the third plan period was: ---Bokaro Steel Plant
- The enterprise which has been given the status of standard exportpromotion council by the Government of India is : ---Khadi and Rural Industry Commission
- The Insurance Company of the country which completed its 100 years in 2006 is: ---National Insurance Company
- The hall – marking on the jewellery will be essential from the year ? --- 2008
- The first public sector enterprise of India which has been given CII Exim Award is: ---Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
- The country to become the 150th member of the World Trade Organization on January 11, 2007 is : ---Vietnam
- A unified bond is created for corporate bonds by BSE which has started working from : ---January 1 , 2007
- The Planning Comission has proposed to create a separate fund in annual budget for certain classes , namely :---Scheduled Caste and Tribes
- Chairman of National Commission on Farmers is :---28:72
- CSO has changed the base year for national income estimates the new year is: ---1999-2000
- Consistency Compatibility and Credibility is the tall claim of which bank? ---Oriental Bank of Commerce
- The base year of the present Wholesale Price Index (WPI) is: ---1993-94
- NABARD was established on the recommendation of: ---Shivaraman Committee
- SEBI was established in ---April 12 1988
- RBI was nationalized in : ---1949
- Which plan was suspended one year before the time schedule ? --- Fifth Plan (1974-79)
- Expanden form of term LIBOR is : ---London Inter Bank fered Rate
- Which bank in March2006 opened branch office at Shenzhen (China) ? ---Bank of India
- Which Stock Exchange has completed 213 years of its existence ?The exchange has recently sold part of its holding ot public ? --Yew York Stock Exchange
- What is ‘OTCEI’? ---An Indian Share Market (Over the Counter Exchange Of India Mumbai)
- India Green Revolution has been most successful in : ---Wheat and rice
- Who is the Chairman of NDC ? ---Prime Mimister
- Which company is providing mobile service with name ‘cell-one’ to the consumers ---BSNL
- What is ‘OTCEL’ ? ---An Indian Share Market
- CAPART is related with : ---Assing and evaluating rural welfare programmes
- The only two areas reserved for the public sector in NIP in 1991 after recent amendments are :---Atomic energy and railway transport
- The significant change in the new FEMA which has replaced FERA is that the emphasis from imprisonment will be shifted to: ---Monetary punishment
- What percentage of the total work force are the workers in the organised sector in India ? ---8%
- Bank rate refers to : ---The rate at which banks re discount bills with RBI
- According to the Chakravarthy Committee, one of the principal causes affecting price stability in India is : ---Violent fluctuation in agricultural production
- GNP is different from GDP as the former includes :---Net income from abroad
- What is the percentage of India’s population to the world population? ---16%
- Which year is known ‘Year of the Great Divide’ with regard to population growth in India? ---1921
- The birth rate measures the number of births during a year per : ---1000 of population
- The Plan Holiday refers to the period : ---1966-69
- SEBI is a: ---Statutory body
- Which committee recommended abolition of tax rebates under section 88? ---Kelkar Committee
- ‘sagarmala’is a name associated with : ---A project of port development
- ‘CLENVAT’ is related to: ---Excise Duty
- Which bank boasts of an adline ‘Consistency, Compatibility and Credibility’ ? ---Oriental Bank of Commerce
- What is ‘NIKKEI’ ? ---Share Price Index of TokyoShare Market