Top 50 Solved GK Questions for NDA Exam 2017-2018
By Roopali Thapliyal | General knowledge | Sep 25, 2017

Solved General Knowledge Question Answer for NDA Exam
- Under the Decentralized Procurement Scheme (DPC)-operational since 1997 foodgrains are procured and distributed by :
- The State Governments themselves
- National Project on Organic Farming was launched during 10th Five Year Plan (2002-2007)
- The instruments for food management are :
- Minimum Support Price (MCP) and Central Issue Price (CIP)
- RKVY stand for RashtriyaKrishiVikasYojana
- The Zaid crop is grown during The months of March to June
- Rice (Paddy), Jowar, Bajra, Maize, Cotton, Sugarcane, Sesamum, Soybean, Groundnut are all :
- Kharif Crops
- The fungus which is used in Alcohol industry is Yeast
- Pomology is the study of Fruits
- The father of White Revolution in India is: Varghese Kurien
- The rank India holds in fish production is: Third
- TRIFED stands for Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Limited
- National Horticulture Mission was started on: 5 May 2005
- Oilseeds, Sugar Crops, Fibre Crops, Narcotic Crops and Beverage Crops are: Commercial Crops
- TG-38B, SG-99, GG-8, GG-16, and Vasundhra (DH-101) are the crop varieties which belong to
- Groundnut
- Who said “Everything else can wait but not agriculture” Jawahar Lal Nehru
- National Research Centre for Plant Biotechnology is Located in New Delhi
- National Fisheries Development Board was set up on September 9, 2006
- As per the final estimates, the production of foodgrain during 2008-2009 stood at :
- 234-47 million tonnes
- National Food for Work Programme was launched: On November 14, 2004
- The head office of CAPART is located in New Delhi
- The agriculture sector (including allied activities )in 2008-09 in India accounted for :
- 7% of GDP
- The share of agriculture and allied sector in gross domestic product has registered a steady decline from 36.4% in 1982-83 to
- 7% in 2008-09
- Agriculture and allied sector contributed: About 10.2% of total export during 2008-2009
- Agriculture in our country provides livelihood to About 64%of the population
- The rank of India in Silk production in the world is: Second
- India is the largest producer, processor, consumer and exporter of Cashew in the World
- The three major components of National Food Security Mission (NFSM) are :
- NFSM-rice, NFS- wheat and NFSM- pulses
- The four-yearly World Poultry Congress was held for the first time in India (Delhi) In September 1996
- The cultivation of mulberry tree and rearing of silk worms is called Sericulture
- Among the important Agricultural regions of India, Maize, and Coarse crops region lie
- In Western Rajasthan and Northern Gujarat
- Plantation agriculture in India was introduced By the Britishers in the 19th Century
- The Food Corporation of India (F.C.I), the central Warehouse Corporation (C.W.C.) and State Warehousing Corporation are among the principal agencies engaged in task of Storage of foodgrains
- HYV stand for High Yielding Varieties (of Seeds)
- In India, the seeds of Green Revolution were the first field tested in the drought year of 1964-1965
- Intensity of cropping in defined as The ratio of gross cropped area to the net sown area
- The important plantation crops of India include Tea, Coffee, Spices, Coconut, and Rubber or Tropical plant
- Which is a total stem cell? Cuscuta
- The plant which was successfully used in the production of edible vaccine is: Potato
- Good plant sources of choline are Mushroom
- India’ rank in the production and consumption of natural rubber in the world is: Fourth
- For the first time in India, wheat production increased from 120 lakh tones to 170 lakhs tones in 1958
- During the period of 2007-2008, the percentage of export agriculture contributed was: 2%
- During 2008-2009 Agriculture (including allied activities) accounted for 7 % of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
- Agriculture account: 52% of employment in the country
- The single largest private sector occupation in the country is: Agriculture
- As per the 4th advance estimates foodgrains production for the year, 2009-2010 stands at :
- 218-20 million tones
- The concept of motion involves three basic ideas; these are Space, position and time
- The potential at any point inside a charged hollow sphere Remains constant
- The magnetic flux per unit area is measured in Tesia