SSC-CGL Tier-1 Exam 2018 Mock Test Series | Railway Exams 2018
By Ravi | Practice Set | Nov 24, 2017

SSC-CGL Exam 2018 Mock Test series, Study Material for SSC-CGL 2018, Important General Knowledge question Test Series for Upcoming SSC-CGL, Railways Exams 2018 Helpful Knowledge for Competative Exams for Staff Selection Commission Shared by Amazon Academy Dehradun
Mock Test Series for SSC-CGL Exam 2018 (Tier-1):
- Which of the following metals is used for the manufacture of heating elements provided in electric iron ?
- Nickel
- Chrominium
- Nichrome
- Tungsten
- The hydrolic brakes used in automobiles is a direct application of
- Archimedes’s principle
- Tericellian law
- Bernoullies therom
- Pascal ‘s law
- Who was the town planner of chandigarh ?
- Edward Lutyens
- Charles Correa
- Le Corbusier
- Christropherwren
- Who discovered the cholera bacillius ?
- Louis Pasture
- Ronald Ross
- Robert Koch
- Josheph Lister
- The metallic constituents of hard water are
- Magnesium, Calcium and Tin
- Iron, tin and calcium
- Calcium , magnesium and Iron
- Magnesium , tin and iron
- Heart Attack Occurs due to ?
- Lack of blood supply to the heart itself
- Bacterial attack on the heart
- Stopping of heart beat
- Impairment of heart ‘s working due to Unknown reasons
- Which Space vehicle put man on the moon first time ?
- Apollo
- challenger
- Columbia
- Explorer
- Which of the following Acts gave representation to the Indians for the first time in legislation
- Indian Councils Acts ,1909
- Indian Councils Act,1919
- Government of india Act 1919
- Government of india Act 1935
- Which of the following animals has tha longest life span ?
- Tortoise
- Crocodile
- Elephant
- Dog
- Which is the largest desert ?
- Sahara
- Gobi
- Thar
- Takala makan
- Convectional Rainfall Occurs in ?
- Equatorial Region
- Temeperate region
- Tropical Region
- Polar Region
- When was ISRO set up ?
- 1965
- 1969
- 1971
- 1976
- Who was the chairmen of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution ?
- JB kriplani
- Rajendra Prasad
- Jahawar Lal Nehru
- BR Ambedkar
- The presidential Government operates on the principle of
- Division of powers between Centre and States
- Centralization of powers
- Balance of powers
- Sepration of powers
- What is the maximum time inter-val permitted between two sessions of parliament ?
- 4 months
- 6 months
- 8 months
- 9 months
- In which year did the United Nation’s General Assembly adopt the universal Declaration of human Right ?
- 1945
- 1948
- 1952
- 1955
- Who is Empower to transfer a Judge from one High court to another High court ?
- Chief justice of india
- President of india
- Law minister of india
- The union Cabinet
- Which of the following is an Example of an inpute device
- Scanner
- CD
- Speaker
- Printer
- Tides in sea have stored in them
- Hydraulic Energy
- Kinetic Energy
- Gravitational potential Energy
- A Combination of all the above
- Who is known as the “ lady with the lamp “ ?
- Sarojini Nadu
- Joan of Arc
- Mother Teresa
- Florence Nightingale
- In which state the folk painting ” Madhubani “ is popular ?
- West Bengal
- Orisaa
- Bihar
- Assam
- Which one among the following is a “ Hot Spot “ for biological diversity in india ?
- Western ghats
- Sundarbans
- Chilka lagoon
- Eastern Ghats
- Who was the town planner of Chandigarh ?
- Eduward Lutyens
- Charles Correa
- Le Corbustier
- Christopher wren
- Grass Land is Called “ Pampas “ in
- Africa
- South America
- The United Kingdom
- The USA
- The Headquarters of International Court of justice is Located in ?
- Paris (France)
- Geneva (Switzerland )
- New York (USA)
- The Hague (Netherlands)
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