581 MCQ Questions in english हिन्दी


A makes 25% more money than B. C makes 25% more money than A. D makes 20% less money than A. E makes 20% more money than A. Earnings in integers of less than Rs. 100 go to A, B, C, D, and E. How much money did the five of them collectively make?

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40% of the copper in an alloy of copper and aluminium. Copper and zinc are combined as an alloy in the proportion 2:7. These two alloys are combined in such a way that the overall alloy contains x% copper and x% more aluminium than zinc. What possible values can x have?

A merchant can purchase products for Rs. 20 per item. The specific good is a component of a larger collection, and its worth depends on how many of the things are currently available on the market. As a result, the merchant charges Rs. 2 for the first commodity, Rs. 4 for the second, Rs. 6 for the third, and so on. What is the bare minimum of things he needs to sell in order to turn a profit of at least 40%?

The entire family of A, B, C, D, E, and F is on the road. A and C are already married, thus although B is C's son, C is not B's mother. The brother of C is E. D is A's daughter, and F is B's brother. How many male family members are there?

Brothers Sachin and Rajan. Rajan's father is Manick. Jagat's sister Priya is born, and Sachin is her father. Who is Jagat's uncle?

O's father is A, and N's mother is B. N is M and O's sister. Which of the following claims is unquestionably false?

B is the father of C, A is the brother of B, and E is the mother of D. So how are A and D connected?

Ravi and Deepak are brothers. Rekha's brother is Atul. The son of Rekha is Ravi. How are Deepak and Rekha related?

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Mrinal's father has just one daughter, who is Rohit's mother. What bond does Mrinal's husband have with Rohit?

Mrinal's father has just one daughter, who is Rohit's mother. What bond does Mrinal's husband have with Rohit?

Daya and Anil are brothers; Daya's father is Chandu, and Chandu's father is Balbeer. How is Balbeer related to Anil?

"Your mother's husband's sister is my aunt," a man stated to a woman. What kind of relationship do the two have?

Ashu is introduced by Seema as the son of her mother's brother.

How is the girl related to the person who says, "She is the grand daughter of the oldest brother of my father," while pointing to a picture?

"His mother is the only daughter of my mother," a Reena stated, pointing at a man. What connection does that man have to Reena?

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"Her mother's brother is the only son of my mother's father," Amar remarked, pointing to a girl in the picture. How is the mother of the girl connected to Amar?

If Riya (Anita's sister) is not linked to Mahipal, as Meenu said, then how is Rahul, Anita's father, related to Mahipal?

She is the sole child of my grandfather's only son, according to Vipul. How is the girl in the picture related to Vipul?

Choose the pairs that most properly represent a relationship similar to the one in the example pair. peal : peel

Select the alternative that will work best as a replacement for the phrase in quotations from the list of options provided. The victim was still alive as evidenced by his "involuntary responses to stimulation."

Select the alternative that will work best as a replacement for the phrase in quotations from the list of options provided. The victim was still alive as evidenced by his "involuntary responses to stimulation."

Select from among the given alternatives the one which will be a suitable substitute for the expression in quotes The “marriage of the princess with the commoner” caused a commotion among the royalty.

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Choose the pairs that most properly represent a relationship similar to the one in the example pair. Reptile : Adder...

Select the option where the word is being used improperly or incorrectly. File...

Select the scenario when the word is being used improperly or incorrectly. Buckle

Select the scenario when the word is being used improperly or incorrectly. Round.

Select the scenario when the word is being used improperly or incorrectly. Run...

How many Lok Sabha seats does Maharashtra have?

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