1017+ MCQ Questions in english हिन्दी


Vessels are the major water-conducting cells in:

Chambered heart occurs in

The energy released by 1 gram of glucose is

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Who is known as the father of Zoology

Which of the following components of a plant does cinnamon come from?

The components of hemoglobin, chlorophyll, chalcopyrite, and vitamin B12 are, in order, as follows:

Which portion of the Papaver somniferum plant's dry latex is used to make opium?

The average life span of Human Red Blood Cells (RBC) is –

Which of the following is in charge of the natural process that turns milk into curd?

Xerophthalmia is brought on by a vitamin deficit.

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Which of the following eco-systems has the biggest surface area on the planet?

The bees have the following acid –

Mycobacterium leprae causes leprosy, Corynebacterium diphtheria causes diphtheria, and Vibrio comma causes

An enzyme called ptyalin is created in the

In ecosystems, nitrogen is fixed in the manner listed below. Which of the following assertions is untrue?

Plants generate pollen grains in

Pollination by wind is called

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Mutation is

Classes of enzymes include oxidoreductases, transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases, and ligases.

Which Indian state came up with the idea of a "Dynamic map for villages" first?

Which state or UT in the Union has implemented the "Vidya Deevena" education assistance programme?

The name of the young one is called a

Which Union Ministry launched the ‘Deep Dive Online Training program’?

Plants that thrive in conditions of typical humidity and temperature are referred to as

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a protein referred to as a transporter of oxygen in our blood

Pulses are a good source of

Under what programme did the Union Ministry of Rural Development sign an MoU with Flipkart?

The best option for studying mutations is one of the following

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