888 MCQ Questions in english हिन्दी


Professor Guru Dutt Sondhi's name is associated with the establishment of which of the following?

Which of the following batsmen was the first to hit six sixes in an over?

Which of the following sports makes frequent use of the phrase "Tee"?

What decade saw the invention of the first successful diode and triode vacuum tubes?

When was the first lawn mower invented?

President Roosevelt launched the Manhattan Project in 1942 to ensure that the United States beat the Germans to the development of a nuclear bomb. Who was Roosevelt's choice to lead the Manhattan Project's scientific team?

When was Monopoly established?

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Who was the inventor of the internal combustion engine?

Who was the first CM of Meghalaya?

Who was the first CM of Manipur?

Who was the first CM of Madhya Pradesh?

Who was the first CM of Kerala?

Who was the first CM of Karnataka?

Who was the first CM of Jharkhand?

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The Pal family governed Uttarakhand for the longest time in its history. In what did they establish their capital?

Who was the first CM of Himachal Pradesh?

Who became the ruler of Garhwal in AD 1548 after Ajay Pal?

Who was the first CM of Gujarat?

Who was the first CM of Goa?

Who was the first Garhwali ruler to be mentioned in Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri by Mughal historians?

Which of the following sports is associated with the phrases birdie and eagle?

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The players who occupy the squares in Kho-Kho are known as ?

Dempo Sports Club is a sports club in which one of India's most notable football teams is situated i______

Who was the first CM of Delhi?

Which of the following pairs is not appropriately matched? (National Game - Countries)

What does the Olympic Flame represent?

Anthropogenic is a ............ environment?

Where is the International Hockey Federation's headquarters?

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