97 HTML and CSS MCQ Questions in english हिन्दी


Hyper Text Markup Language, also known as HTML, is a programming language used to build websites and online applications. Let's examine what Web page and Hypertext Markup Language mean.
As a result, HTML is a markup language that allows for the styling of web pages to make them visually appealing and present well in web browsers. Numerous HTML tags make up an HTML document, and each HTML tag has a unique content.

What is the appropriate syntax to use when utilizing the HTML style attribute?

The correct syntax for the style attribute is shown in Option A.

What is the function of the HTML style attribute?

The HTML style attribute is used to add styles like font, color, and size to an HTML element.

Which attribute is used to give an HTML element a special name?

An id is used to provide a unique name for an HTML element that can be used to identify it.

What are the attributes used to change the size of an image?

Width and Height attributes are used to change the size of an image.

What does an empty tag in HTML mean?

In HTML, empty tags are those tags that don’t require a closing tag for completion.

Which of the following does not represent a value for the CSS property font-variant?

Which of the subsequent CSS properties is used to give the text shadows?

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Which of the following tags is exempt from the closing tag requirement?

Both the <hr> and the <br> tag doesn’t require a closing tag.

Which CSS setting was applied to create a border around components outside the boundary?

How can preformatted text be displayed in HTML?

<pre> tags is used to handle preformatted text in HTML.

Which of the following is the appropriate syntax to choose a div element's p siblings?

What is the proper syntax to pick every paragraph element within a div element?

The following statement regarding HTML is true.

HTML can only use the tags defined within the language.

How can I choose the elements that belong to the "example" class?

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Which of the following CSS constructs should be used to ensure that each word begins with a capital letter?

Which CSS attribute is used to indicate whether text is written vertically or horizontally?

What impact does the tag have?

<b> is used to convert the text within it to bold font.

Which of the subsequent CSS properties is used to determine how much space there should be between each letter within an element?

Which of the following is utilised when CSS is used to indicate the subscript of text?

The CSS attribute used to describe an element's transparency is -

We enclose HTML tags within?

HTML tags are enclosed within < > according to syntax.

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Which of the following characteristics is used as the abbreviation for the margin characteristics?

Do negative numbers have a place in the padding property?

What extension is used by default when saving HTML files?

HTML files are saved by the .html or .htm extension.

The text was bolded using the CSS property -

Which of the following property is used as the shorthand property for the padding properties?

How can I make an HTML sorted list?

An ordered list is created in HTML by using the <ol> tag.

Which of the following sentences demonstrates the proper syntax for displaying hyperlinks without underlining?

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