136 Business MCQ Questions in english हिन्दी


Where in the cell is ribosomal RNA produced?

Which of the following is a characteristic of 'product bundling'?

In foreign trade, the term 'tariff' is used to denote:

What is the 'Hawthorne effect' in the workplace?

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Which of the following statements about 'outsourcing' is correct?

Which of the following is an example of 'economies of scope'?

Which of the following is a definition of 'operating activities' in the context of a business's cash flow?

In business, the term 'churn rate' is defined as:

What does the 'markup' pricing method involve?

Which of the following describes the concept of 'economic moat'?

Which of the following is a 'sunk cost'?

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In accounting, 'depreciation' refers to:

Which of the following is true about a company's 'liquidity'?

Which of the following is the main goal of a business 'merger'?

Which of the following is a 'market cannibalization'?

Which of the following best describes a 'recession' in economics?

In project management, the 'Gantt chart' is used for:

Which of the following is an example of a 'semi-variable cost'?

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According to the 'Law of Demand':

Which of the following is an example of a 'pull marketing' strategy?

The 'Porter's Five Forces' model enables businesses to understand:

Which of the following best describes ‘market segmentation’?

What is a 'cost-plus pricing' strategy?

Which of the following is an example of 'push marketing'?

What does the term 'working capital ratio' measure?

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The term 'divestiture' refers to:

Which of the following is a component of 'human capital'?

Which of the following is a characteristic of a 'penalty-based' pricing strategy?

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