97 HTML and CSS MCQ Questions in english हिन्दी


Hyper Text Markup Language, also known as HTML, is a programming language used to build websites and online applications. Let's examine what Web page and Hypertext Markup Language mean.
As a result, HTML is a markup language that allows for the styling of web pages to make them visually appealing and present well in web browsers. Numerous HTML tags make up an HTML document, and each HTML tag has a unique content.

What HTML element is used to define the author/contact owner's information for a document or an article?

Which tag is used to change the text direction?

Each table cell is defined by a ____ tag.

In a style sheet, which attribute is often used to point to a class name?

Which property is used to establish an HTML element's unique id?

What tag denotes an inline frame?

Which tag is used to display a submit button?

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Which input type reset creates a reset button that returns all form values to their default settings?

What does the Alpha value of 0.0 stand for?

Which of the following is the right method for changing the font face in HTML?

Which HTML element is used to show the power in the equation (x2 - y2)?

Which is the correct way to comment out something in HTML?

Which of the following are the tag's attributes?

Which of the following tags is used to make a combination box (also known as a drop-down box)?

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Which of the following tags in HTML5 is used to initialise the document type?

Which of the following is the HTML document's root tag?

The tags in HTML are -

HTML programmes can be rendered and read by

The ___ extension is used to store an HTML application.

In HTML, which of the following is the paragraph tag?

Inline styles are defined using which of the following HTML attributes?

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Which of the following is the correct way to begin an ordered list with a count of numeric value 4?

Which of the following is the correct method for making a list with lowercase letters?

How may a background image be added to HTML?

Which of the following is the container for , , and ?

Which of the following is the proper method for sending HTML email?

The special formatting tag in HTML is which of the following?

To display the text with a scrolling effect, which of the following HTML tags is used?

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