4525+ MCQ Questions in english हिन्दी


What do the lines below void sum (int, int);

When was C Language created?

In which year was the Python language developed?

Which of the following tags is used to make a combination box (also known as a drop-down box)?

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How many loops are there in C

What will the following Python code produce?

x = 'abcd'
 for i in x:

Which of the following tags in HTML5 is used to initialise the document type?

Which of the following is the HTML document's root tag?

Who created the Python programming language?

The tags in HTML are -

What is the maximum possible length of an identifier?

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HTML programmes can be rendered and read by

What will the following Python function return?

len(["hello",2, 4, 6])

The ___ extension is used to store an HTML application.

Which of these best describes a Python package?

In HTML, which of the following is the paragraph tag?

What will happen if x=56.236 in the following Python expression?


Inline styles are defined using which of the following HTML attributes?

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Which of the following is the correct way to begin an ordered list with a count of numeric value 4?

Which of the following is the correct method for making a list with lowercase letters?

Which dynasty's defeat paved the way for the establishment of the Mauryan dynasty?

The famous Lucknow Pact was signed in 1916 between_____________.

To which section of the Indian Constitution does Article 32 belong?

What does the Buddhist term "Triratna" mean?

Which of the following dynasties is related with King Kharvela of Kalinga?

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Which of the following Indus valley civilization locations contained the dockyard?

In what location is the National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM)?

Which of the following Harappan sites has a couple burial?

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