4310+ MCQ Questions in english हिन्दी


How many bytes does 4 kilobytes represent?

Which of the following is equal to a gigabyte?

Which one of the following groups contains graphical file extensions?

The central processing unit is located in the _____.

A computer is accurate, but if the result of a computation is false, what is the main reason for it?

What is the mean of the Booting in the system?

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What is currect syntax of for loop?

Can we overload functions in C++?

How many times CppBuzz.com is printed? int main() { int i=0; lbl: cout<<"CppBuzz.com"; i++; if(i<5) { goto lbl; } return 0;

How may a background image be added to HTML?

BIOS is used?

Which of the following is the container for , , and ?

What is output of below program? int main() { const int a=10; a++; cout<

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How to use structures in data file handling to access and update data

Which of the following is the proper method for sending HTML email?

Which of the following is a Notepad extension?

Which operator has highest precedence in * / % ?

Which of the following is an input device?

The special formatting tag in HTML is which of the following?

Which operator has highest precedence?

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Which of the following is an example of an output device?

To display the text with a scrolling effect, which of the following HTML tags is used?

Which of the following values represents the correct hexadecimal code ABCDEF?

//What is the value of a in below program? int main() { int a, b=20; a = 90/b; return 0; }

Which of the following attributes is used to give an element a unique name?

In HTML, the hr tag is utilised for:

Which of the following is a structured programming technique for representing the detailed steps required to solve a programme graphically?

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//What is the output of below program? int main() { int a = 10; cout<

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