2887+ MCQ Questions in english हिन्दी


The text was bolded using the CSS property -

Which of the following statements in JavaScript defines arrays?

10. What does Java's "this" keyword not do?

Which function in Excel checks whether a condition is true or not ?

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Which of the following property is used as the shorthand property for the padding properties?

How many letters does each line in WordStar represent?

Which C expression is legitimate?

Which of the following methods for adding a comment in PHP is correct?

How can I make an HTML sorted list?

An ordered list is created in HTML by using the <ol> tag.

Which of the following sentences demonstrates the proper syntax for displaying hyperlinks without underlining?

What would the following JavaScript code produce?

The *= operator in javascript is a shorthand expression for the multiplication of a particular number. It is a combination of two operators * and = .

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9. Which one of the following Java OOPS concepts is not one?

What is the proper syntax for generating a standard navigation tab?

What are some examples of word processing software?

Which of the following is the proper syntax to set all paragraph elements' backgrounds to yellow?

Which statement regarding variable names in C is accurate?

What kinds of lists are there in HTML?

The lists available in HTML are Ordered and Unordered Lists.

8. What will the following Java programme produce?

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What document begins with MS Word?

To create a conventional navigation bar, use the following syntax:

Which of the subsequent CSS properties is used to set an element's background image?

A slide layout does not have which of these sections?

What will the following JavaScript code snippet produce?

Functions in MS Excel must begin with ___

7. The java path is set via which environment variable?

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Each and every keyword in C is in

The internal stylesheet's HTML property is defined as -

Which of the following does not fall under the PHP variable scope?

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