2178+ General Knowledge MCQ Questions | GK Questions MCQ | gk mcq questions with answers in English हिन्दी


You may improve your general knowledge of the states and your competitive test preparation by studying important GK questions about many states. General Knowledge is one of the major topics for preparing for competitive exams for many States Govt Jobs. Here, we've put up a list of significant states GK questions in the form of MCQ.

Which year did India's life insurance industry become nationalised?

Arunachal Pradesh is also known as the Paradise of the ___________

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What is the capital of Egypt?

Which of the following countries does not share a border with Arunachal Pradesh?

Where is the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LICcorporate )'s headquarters?

Which one is the largest district of Arunachal Pradesh by population

Who is the Governor of Maharashtra?

What is the name of Life Insurance Corporation of India's (LIC) satellite offices?

Life Insurance Corporation of India(LIC) was formed in which year?

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In Arunachal Pradesh, what is the name of the outer-sub Himalayan range?

The Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission was established in the year

What tribe's folk dance is the Aji Lamu?

In which year the causative virus of AIDS was isolated

In which district the Parshuram Kund is located

In the year, Tapi Mra climbed Mount Everest.

Who was the first Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh

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Who wrote the play “Uttararamacharita”?

Which one is the highest Peak in Arunachal

Which one is recognised as the State Animal of Arunachal Pradesh

Where is the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) headquartered

In which city the largest monastery of India is located

Who was the first Ramon Magsaysay award winner from India?

Non-Resident Indians (NRI) Day is observed on which day:

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Which one is the capital of Arunachal Pradesh

Which one country did not share its border with Arunachal Pradesh

Otto Hahn is famous for which invention?

Arunachal Pradesh was also known as

Arunachal Pradesh was established in the year

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