431 History GK MCQ Question & Answer - History GK in English हिन्दी


Best History MCQ GK question with answers for government exams like SSC, Bank, Group C, and Police. GK preparation of NDA, CDS, UPSC, PCS & State PSC. “Uttarakhand History GK MCQ in Hindi” के बारे में बताने वाला हूं। Uttarakhand History GK MCQ की यह श्रृंखला आपको आने वाले  उत्तराखण्ड में होने वाले संबंधित परीक्षाओं जैसे पटवारी, लेखपाल, उत्तराखण्ड ग्रुप-सी परीक्षा, UKPSC, UKPCS, UKSSSC तथा अन्य सभी उत्तराखण्ड राज्य स्तर की परीक्षाऔ  में काफी help  करेगी। तो वे सभी student  जो कि उत्तराखण्ड से संबंधित परीक्षाओ की तैयारी कर रहे है वे एक बार “Edccuation Masters ” की उत्तराखण्ड की MCQ पर एक बार अवश्य जाएं

By whom was the 'endowment office' established in the capital?

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Akbar was a contemporary of which few kings?

Which Chand Raja established Nanda Devi in Almora?

Whose reign is called the Golden Age of Kumaon?

What was the porter forced labor tax levied by the Chandos?

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Who is called the Chanakya of Garhwal?

The Parmar rulers were given the title of Shah by whom?

The ruler of the Parmara dynasty was the gotra of Kanakpal?

Who is called Adi Purush of Garhwal?

In which book is Ajaypal referred to as a " mahatma"?

By what name is Rani Karnavati known?

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