4525+ MCQ Questions in english हिन्दी


The name of the programming language that allows for the creation of new data types is .

Which of the following components causes the HTML text to be bold?

The appropriate HTML tag order to begin a webpage is -

HTML stands for

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Which of the following characteristics must any programming language have in order to be considered an entirely object-oriented language?

The address operator is which of the following?

Which of the following best describes the object?

Which of the following is the proper syntax for the C++ language to print the message?

Is it possible to create a PDF of a PowerPoint presentation?

Which of the following PowerPoint commands is used to direct the user to the presentation's final slide?

Which of the following PowerPoint commands is used to direct the user to the first slide of the presentation?

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The objects on the slide that hold the text in Powerpoint are known as -

What should we type in the Run dialogue box to launch Powerpoint?

The Handout Master consists of placeholders for all of these except the:

Which of the following PowerPoint features would allow any user to create a simple presentation faster?

The file containing ready-made styles that we can easily use for our presentation is referred to as:

In MS PowerPoint, what is the maximum Zoom percentage?

A PowerPoint design template is stored in any file with ______________extension .

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Which of these PowerPoint options would allow us to transfer any set of slides from one computer to another?

Which of the following is a type of sound file?

If we want to insert a new slide into the current presentation, we can select which of these?

What does pip stand for python?

What will be the output of the following Python code snippet if x=1? x<<2

What is the order of precedence in python?

Python supports the creation of anonymous functions at runtime, using a construct called __________

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Which of the following functions can help us to find the version of python that we are currently working on?

What will be the output of the following Python code? i = 1 while True: if i%3 == 0: break print(i) i + = 1

Which of the following character is used to give single-line comments in Python?

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