4525+ MCQ Questions in english हिन्दी


Which keyword is used for function in Python language?

Each key in a relational schema that has many keys in a database management system is categorized as

Which of the following is used to define a block of code in Python language?

Which command is used to remove a relation from a SQL database?

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Insert into instructor values (10211, 'Smith', 'Biology', 66000); What kind of claim is this?

What will be the value of the following Python expression? 4 + 3 % 5

The phrase "attribute" describes a ___________ of a table.

All keywords in Python are in _________

The quantity of attributes and qualities in a relation is referred to as its

Is Python code compiled or interpreted?

Which of the following commands deletes a MYSQL database in its entirety?

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Drop-Table cannot be used to drop a table referenced by a

Which of the following is the correct extension of the Python file?

A function that permits any type of data to be retrieved from a database is referred to as

Is Python case sensitive when dealing with identifiers?

The type of data abstraction that permits the conceptual representation of data in database management systems is considered as

Which type of Programming does Python support?

The BLOB data type is an acronym for:

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The total grade a student receives should not exceed 100. Here is

BCNF is short for

Relationships between tables are formed in an RDBMS by using

According to C standard, how is search performed in #include and #include "somelibrary.h"?

In SQL, we can use the command to add a new column to a table that already exists.

Which of the following statements regarding SQL views is FALSE

This is the process of obtaining important commercial and strategic decision-making valid, actionable information from enormous amounts of data that was previously unknown.

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In the header file, there is a predefined function called scanf().

Reference integrity has a direct connection to

Which of these statements is accurate?

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