6054+ MCQ Questions in english हिन्दी


Who was the first American woman to receive a patent for her invention, a method of weaving straw and silk?

Who was the first CM of Meghalaya?

Who was the first CM of Manipur?

Who was the first CM of Madhya Pradesh?

What ingredient(s) is(are) utilised in pencils?

Who was the first CM of Kerala?

Which of the following metals combines with other metals to produce an amalgam?

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Who was the first CM of Karnataka?

Water's chemical formula is

Who was the first CM of Jharkhand?

The Pal family governed Uttarakhand for the longest time in its history. In what did they establish their capital?

Typically, the gas in an electric bulb is

Who was the first CM of Himachal Pradesh?

The generic term for washing soda is

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Who became the ruler of Garhwal in AD 1548 after Ajay Pal?

Who was the first CM of Gujarat?

Who was the first CM of Goa?

The filament used in electric light bulbs is made up of

Who was the first Garhwali ruler to be mentioned in Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri by Mughal historians?

The name of the tree that roots from its branches into the ground is:

Which of the following sports is associated with the phrases birdie and eagle?

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The players who occupy the squares in Kho-Kho are known as ?

The base of the Phytoplankton in a food chain is?

Which of the following gases causes brass to tarnish in the presence of air?

For around 300 years, the capital of the Garhwal kingdom was which city?

Dempo Sports Club is a sports club in which one of India's most notable football teams is situated i______

Who was the first CM of Delhi?

Which of the following is a liquid non-metal at normal temperature?

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