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655 Uttarakhand MCQ Questions in english हिन्दी


The Magna Carta, signed in 1215, is considered a significant step towards which concept?

Magna Carta was issued in June 1215 and was the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law. It sought to prevent the king from exploiting his power, and placed limits of royal authority by establishing law as a power in itself.

The Opium Wars were fought between China and which other country in the 19th century?

Settling this financial problem eventually led to the First Opium War between Great Britain and China, from 1839 to 1842.

Who wrote the famous pamphlet "Common Sense," advocating for American independence from British rule?

In January 1776, Thomas Paine (1737–1809) penned his famous pamphlet Common Sense, in which he urged the American Colonies to declare independence and immediately sever all ties with the British monarchy.

The Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII was romantically involved with which two Roman leaders?

While queen of Egypt (51–30 BCE), Cleopatra actively influenced Roman politics at a crucial period and was especially known for her relationships with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony

The Renaissance, a period of great cultural and artistic growth, originated in which city?

The Renaissance started in Florence, Italy, a place with a rich cultural history where wealthy citizens could afford to support budding artists. Members of the powerful Medici family, which ruled Florence for more than 60 years, were famous backers of the movement.

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The Great Wall of China was primarily built during the reign of which dynasty?

Despite its long history, the Great Wall of China as it is exists today was constructed mainly during the mighty Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Like the Mongols, the early Ming rulers had little interest in building border fortifications, and wall building was limited before the late 15th century.

In which year did the American Revolutionary War begin?

The American revolutionary war is also known as the “U.S War of Independence”, which started in 1775 and ended in 1783 with the nativity of the U.S.A. Answer.

Which ancient wonder was a monumental tomb built for an Egyptian pharaoh?

Erected around 2560 B.C.E. on the west bank of the Nile River, the Great Pyramid served as the tomb of the fourth-century pharaoh Khufu

Who among the following published the first English-language newspaper in India?

The first English-language newspaper in India was published by Mrityunjay Vidyalankar . It was called Mrityunjay Vidyalankar Bengal Gazette and was first published on 29 January 1780 in Calcutta (now Kolkata). Hicky was an Irishman who had come to India to seek his fortune. He was a strong critic of the British East India Company and its administration in India. His newspaper often published articles that were critical of the Company and its officials. This made him unpopular with the Company, and he was eventually arrested and deported from India in 1782.

Battle of Buxar was fought in?

The Battle of Buxar was fought on 22 and 23 October 1764 between the forces of the British East India Company, led by Hector Munro, and the combined armies of Mir Qasim, Nawab of Bengal till 1764; the Nawab of Awadh, Shuja-ud-Daula; and the Mughal Emperor, Shah Alam II. The battle was fought at Buxar, a "strong fortified town" within the territory of Bihar, located on the banks of the Gangas river about 130 kilometres (81 mi) west of Patna; it was a challenging victory for the British East India Company. The war was brought to an end by the Treaty of Allahabad in 1765.

First battle of Panipat was fought between?

The First Battle of Panipat was fought on 21 April 1526 between the invading forces of Babur, the Timurid ruler of Kabulistan, and the much larger ruling army of Ibrahim Lodi, Sultan of Delhi. The battle was fought near the small village of Panipat, in the present day Indian state of Haryana. Babur's forces were outnumbered by Lodi's army, which was estimated to be around 100,000 men strong. However, Babur had a number of advantages, including his use of gunpowder firearms and field artillery, which were new to India at the time. He also had a more experienced army, having fought in a number of battles in Central Asia. The battle lasted for several hours, and ended with a decisive victory for Babur. Lodi was killed in the battle, and his army was routed. Babur's victory marked the beginning of the Mughal Empire in India.

2. In which year was Subhash Chandra Bose born?

1 Subhas Chandra Bose was born on January 23, 1897 in Cuttack, Orissa, India. He was an Indian nationalist whose defiance of British authority in India made him a hero among many Indians, but his wartime alliances with Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan left a legacy vexed by authoritarianism, anti-Semitism, and military failure.

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1. Television was introduced in India in the year ___________.

Television was first introduced in India on September 15, 1959, with an experimental telecast starting in Delhi.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a computer?

Explanation: The Computer system has no I.Q. of its own. It does only what it is programmed to do. It cannot take decisions of its own. A computer is diligent because it can work continuously for hours without getting any errors or without getting grumbled. The accuracy of a computer is consistently high and its level of accuracy depends on its design. A computer can perform any task if, it can be broken down into a series of logical steps. Therefore, a computer is versatile.

Which of the following is the brain of the computer?

Explanation: Charles Babbage is known as the father of computers. Charles Babbage designed and built the first mechanical computer and Difference Engine.

The meetings of the Council of Ministers are presided over by:

The formation of the Council of Ministers starts with the appointment of?

Though the President of India is the executive head of the State, the real executive power vests in?

To get appointed, a Minister must?

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Ministers in the Union Cabinet are appointed by?

How long can a person continue to be Minister of the Union Government⟋State Government without being a member of either House of Parliament⟋State Legislature?

Under our Constitution the President is?

The Law Officers who hold office at the pleasure of the President are?

The President can be removed from his office before the expiry of his normal term only on the recommendation of?

The oath of office is conducted to the President by?

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: I'm going to the store ____ buy some groceries.

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The President can be impeached for?

Which sentence is in the passive voice?


27th State of India

Uttarakhand's name is derived from the Sanskrit words Uttara (उत्तर) meaning 'north', and khaṇḍa (खण्ड) meaning 'land', altogether simply meaning 'Northern Land'. The name finds mentioned in early Hindu scriptures as the combined region of "Kedarkhand" (present-day Garhwal) and "Manaskhand" (present-day Kumaon). Uttarakhand was also the ancient Puranic term for the central stretch of the Indian Himalayas.

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