4525+ MCQ Questions in english हिन्दी


What will the following snippet of code produce?

count = 0
    if count % 3 == 0:
       print(count, end = " ")
    if(count > 15):
  count += 1

Which of the following people was a contemporary of Pushyamitra Sunga?

What will the following code snippet produce?

a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
sum = 0
for ele in a:
  sum += ele

"Revere the dharma, adore the sangha, and revere all the Buddhas." Which of the following quotes best describes this?

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What will the following snippet of code produce?

print(type(5 / 2))
print(type(5 // 2))

Which Ashokan inscription forbids the slaughter of animals?

What will the following snippet of code produce?

a = [1, 2, 3]
a = tuple(a)
a[0] = 2

What one of the following kings is frequently referred to as "the first empire builder in Indian History"?

Which region is home to the capital of Matsya Mahajanpada, Viratnagar?

What will the following snippet of code produce?

print(2**3 + (5 + 6)**(1 + 1))

Who established the Chalukya Dynasty?

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How is a code block indicated in Python?

Which symbol identifies the idol of Tirthankara Parswanath?

What datatype will the var in the code snippet below be?

var = 10
var = "Hello"

"The king ruled over everyone but Brahamanas." This was _'s point of view?

According to Asoka's inscriptions, which of the following places was declared tax free and only 1/8th part was declared taxable?

What kind of language can computer understand?

What's a Python identifier's maximum length?

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Which type of programme acts as a intermediary between a computer user and the computer hardware?

How many bytes does 4 kilobytes represent?

Which of the following is equal to a gigabyte?

Which one of the following groups contains graphical file extensions?

The central processing unit is located in the _____.

A computer is accurate, but if the result of a computation is false, what is the main reason for it?

What is the mean of the Booting in the system?

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What is currect syntax of for loop?

Can we overload functions in C++?

How many times CppBuzz.com is printed? int main() { int i=0; lbl: cout<<"CppBuzz.com"; i++; if(i<5) { goto lbl; } return 0;

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