112 Science MCQ Questions in english हिन्दी


Read science multiple choice questions for the various types of competitive exams. These science questions will help students to prepare for their exams. Improve your Science subject knowledge by reading these science questions.

The inert gas that deep sea divers use to breathe in place of the nitrogen in the air is

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The gases utilised in various forms of welding consist;

When a material is exposed to air, it has the ability to absorb moisture from

Typically employed in quartz clocks and other devices, quartz crystals are chemically

Which gas is not referred to as a greenhouse gas?

What is bromine?

The material that is the toughest on earth is

The type of coal where the deposit may be seen to include remnants of the original plant matter is

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What ingredient(s) is(are) utilised in pencils?

Which of the following metals combines with other metals to produce an amalgam?

Water's chemical formula is

Typically, the gas in an electric bulb is

The generic term for washing soda is

The filament used in electric light bulbs is made up of

The name of the tree that roots from its branches into the ground is:

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Which of the following gases causes brass to tarnish in the presence of air?

Which of the following is a liquid non-metal at normal temperature?

A naturally occurring chelate complex with a core metal is called chlorophyll?

Which of the following influences an electrolytic solution's electrical conductance?

What connection exists between the sound speed and gas pressure when the temperature is constant?

Which of the following scenarios allows for the observation of the weightless state?

Which of these exhibits linear momentum conservation?

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What one of the following is a vegetable with stems?

When soaked in water, chickpeas can expand up to three times their original size. This phenomena is referred to as?

Which of the following facts about a pendulum in motion is true when it is at the bottom (middle of the arc)?

The "Escherichia coli" bacteria are mostly found in

Which of the following cereals has the disease "Karnal bunt"?

What one of the following is referred to as quick lime?

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