106 C And C++ MCQ Questions in english हिन्दी


C and C++ are kinds of middle-level computer languages. Programming in C++, an object-oriented language, offers applications a distinct structure and encourages code reuse, which reduces development costs. Applications that can be converted to different platforms can be created using C++ because it is portable.  C++ is closer to the compiler and faster than C language. It is a statically typed programming language i.e it uses static typing when type checking is performed during compile-time as opposed to run time. Learning C++ is enjoyable and simple. C++ is a superset of the C language. Let's do a quiz about C and C++ Languages that will help you to level up your knowledge and prepare for exams.

Which of them won't give anything back?

Which notion do we employ for late binding implementation?

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Which of these types does C++ give that C does not?

What is currect syntax of for loop?

Can we overload functions in C++?

How many times CppBuzz.com is printed? int main() { int i=0; lbl: cout<<"CppBuzz.com"; i++; if(i<5) { goto lbl; } return 0;

What is output of below program? int main() { const int a=10; a++; cout<

How to use structures in data file handling to access and update data

Which operator has highest precedence in * / % ?

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Which operator has highest precedence?

//What is the value of a in below program? int main() { int a, b=20; a = 90/b; return 0; }

//What is the output of below program? int main() { int a = 10; cout<

What is the full form of oop

If we stored five elements or data items in an array, what will be the index address or the index number of the array's last data item?

Which one of the following represents the tab?

Which of the following statements can be used to add a new line to a C++ programme?

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C++ is a ___ type of language.

Which of the following comment syntaxes should be used in the C++ programme to add a single-line comment?

Which of the following features must the programming language support in order for it to be considered a pure object-oriented programming language?

Object-oriented languages include C++ language.

Which of the following claims regarding the formal parameters in C++ is true?

Which of the following is the proper C++ syntax for reading a single character to the console?

The name of the programming language that allows for the creation of new data types is .

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The name of the programming language that allows for the creation of new data types is .

Which of the following characteristics must any programming language have in order to be considered an entirely object-oriented language?

The address operator is which of the following?

Which of the following best describes the object?

Which of the following is the proper syntax for the C++ language to print the message?

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